Friday, May 1, 2009

1, 2, 3 GOLLY!!!!

So yes, if you didn't know we are expecting! Baby number 3 is due September 19! I am twenty weeks, so we are halfway! The kids are excited, and we just found out we are having another little BOY!! He and Ashton will be 21 months apart, and I am sure that they will think of all kinds of mischief to make together! Anyway we are really excited! Also, something else that would be cool is if he came on his due date all of our kids will have been born on the 19 (just a little side note!)!

The pictures weren't very good. We got a 4-D Ultrasound but it wasn't too much different, they said 25 weeks was the best time. And the little stinker had his face to my back the whole time so we couldn't even get a face shot! I knew it was a boy when he wasn't cooperating!


Josh and Kristen said...

Ok, this is my fourth try. I keep getting errors when I try to save my comment! Congrats! I had to laugh when you said that you knew he was a boy because he wasn't cooperating! Story of my life! Hahaha!!

Marcy said...

I had no idea you were pregnant! How sad... I guess we aren't friends anymore :( JK Congrats! And how fun that there will be two boys in a row.. hahahaha

The Hulls said...

I was wondering if you were. :) Congrats I'm excited for you guys!

Audra said...

Congrats! You are going to be one busy lady.

Darin and Kali said...

Congrats! I am so excited and scared for you! Ha j/k! You are super mom and I know you can handle anything! I hope everything is going great!!!

Heather said...

Oh my gosh dear you are gonna be in my boat, but really I LOVE IT!!! Good luck!

jen said...

Hooray! Congratulations! That is so exciting for your *growing* family! I keep on thinking about a second and the idea still scares me. You must be braver than I am! Two boys... I'm sure Ashton will teach him all of his troublesome tricks! I hope you're feeling alright and things go well!

Alison said...

Congrats! I bet you're a great CEO at home. :)

Ivy Lou said...

You are the cutest pregnant lady! When I saw you up town yesterday, I thought you looked so cute! The other thing I was thinking was 'Where's the ice cream isle?' Hee hee!! Imagine that!