Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Birthday REAGAN!!!

We have a terrible two year old. . . actually it seems to me that she has been in that stage for a while now. But on second thought, most of the time she is the cutest two year old! She keeps us smiling and laughing all the time and her little brother loves her! Anyway, she turned two June 19, so yes I am very late on getting the pictures up but at least I am finally getting to it! And yes, I made the cake start to finish. And no, I am not making that up!


Jeana said...

Eih Carumba Lauren!!! Good job with the barbie did you find a barbie that looks just like you? YOu should definetly go into weddings!

Barrettes and Bows said...

Wow. Nice job you should have your own cooking show. Good work. I can't believe that she is two already.

Lindsey Whiting said...

Holy cow, I am way impressed with the cake! Look at your mad skillz!